Measures Applied by Czech Government at Václav Havel Airport Prague

Press Release
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At midnight of Friday, 13 March 2020 and Saturday, 14 March 2020, the Czech Government decree comes in effect restricting the movement of foreigners and Czech citizens between the Czech Republic and countries within a declared risk area. Compliance with the measures applied by the Government of the Czech Republic when crossing state borders falls within the authority of the respective appointed state forces. Prague Airport remains in close uninterrupted contact with the forces, providing them with due co-operation with regard to the implementation and observance of compliance with the government measures.

In line with today’s government applied measures, we also remain in close contact with state offices, including the Foreign Police of the Czech Republic, responsible for enforcing compliance with said measures when crossing state borders. Based on the recent development of the situation, we will also implement operational measures to facilitate the gradual restriction of operations of the airport. Particular operational measures will be implemented in stages. We will continuously inform passengers of the operational measures applied. Airlines have already been informed. At this point, operations at Prague Airport remain uninterrupted.

Passengers affected by the measures should not come to the airport, but rather contact their air carrier which will be able to discuss an alternative solution. Prague Airport will inform passengers, for example, via stickers placed on entry points to terminal buildings, via Prague Airport’s website, social media and information desk workers, alongside the airport helpline available 24/7.

Prague Airport will take care of passengers affected by the applied measures who are denied entry to the territory of the Czech Republic through a number of arrangements. All passengers will be provided with information regarding the next steps and referred to their air carrier immediately after their entry to the country is denied. In cases where the carrier is not able to offer an immediate alternative solution to passengers, we will appoint them to a waiting area, offer them refreshments, hygienic tools, access to a telephone and computer, etc. Upon request, they will also have access to medical care.


Learn more on Prague Airport’s Twitter feed @PragueAirport.

Contact for media
Roman Pacvoň
K letišti 1019/6