Executive Director of Aviation Business Development

Director of Aviation Business

Route Development Manager

Route Development Manager

Tourism & Route Development Manager

Route Development Executive

Cargo Development Manager

Aviation Customer Care Manager

Airline Marketing Manager

Airline Marketing Specialist

Aviation Business Coordinator
Czech Airlines Handling
Commercial Department
Phone: +420 220 113 317
E-mail: csa.handling@prg.aero
Web: www.czechairlineshandling.com
Czech GH
Phone: +420 220 114 888
E-mail: prg.enquiries@menziesaviation.com
Web: www.menziesaviation.cz
Menzies Aviation (Czech)
Phone: +420 220 114 888
E-mail: prg.enquiries@menziesaviation.com
Web: www.menziesaviation.cz
Baltic Ground Services CZ
Phone: +420 777 147 856
E-mail: sales@bgs.aero
Web: www.bgs.aero
ABS Jets
Phone: +420 725 747 997
E-mail: handling@absjets.com
Web: www.absjets.com
Bell Textron Prague, a.s. - Executive Aircraft Handling
Phone: +420 234 624 413
Email: prague.handling@bh.com
Time Air
Phone: +420 725 936 010, +420 724 182 341
E-mail: handling@timeair.cz
Web: www.timeair.cz
Eurojet Servis, s.r.o.
Phone: +420 233 343 362
E-mail: ops@eurojet-service.com
Web: www.eurojet-service.com
List of General Sales Agents in the Czech Republic
Aeroworld a.s.
Address: Pod Baštami 276/3, 160 00 Prague 6
Phone: +420 233 311 146
e-mail: kamila.cernikova@aeroworld.cz
Responsible person: Mrs. Kamila Černíková
Airline Representation: LATAM Airlines
Air Transport Solutions s.r.o. Prague
Address: K letišti 57/1049, 161 00 Prague 6
Phone: +420 241 080 740
Fax: +420 241 080 749
e-mail: airport@atsolutions.cz
Responsible person: Mr. Jiří Sedláček
Airline Representation: several carriers on cargo area
Air World Services a.s.
Address: Pod Baštami 276/3, 160 00 Praha 6
Phone: +420 225 025 250
e-mail: aws@aws-aws.com
Airline Representation: Air Iceland, Icelandair, Boliviana de Aviación, Smartwings/Czech Airlines (for PL/HU market only)
APG Czech Republic & Slovakia s.r.o. - Art of Travel s.r.o.
Address: Dlouhá 733/29, Prague 1, 110 00 Czech Republic
Phone: +420 224 239 250
e-mail: v.soriano@apg-ga.com, czech-slovakia@apg-ga.com, vincent@artoftravel.eu,
Responsible person: Mr. Vincent Soriano
Airline Representation: APG Airlines (GP), Airnorth (TL), Batik Air (ID), Batik Air Malaysia (OD), Cyprus Airways (CY), Helifirst, Kenya Airways (KQ), Lao Airlines (QV), Philippine Airlines (PR), Thai Lion Air (SL)
Airline Sales and Marketing Representation: Royal Air Maroc (AT)
Airline Services: AGP BSP Coordination Services (ABCS), APG IET (Interline E-Ticketing), APG Platform, APG GSSA Representation, APG Corporate Travel Plan
Aviareps, s.r.o.
Address: Palác Fenix, Václavské náměstí 802/56, 110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 296 368 271-3
e-mail: info.prg@aviareps.com
Responsible person: Mr. Luděk Hladiš
Airline Representation: Air Mauritius, Air Serbia, Airlink, Asiana Airlines, Bamboo Airways, Condor, China Southern Airlines, EVA AIR, Georgian Wings, GOL, ITA Airways, Sun Express, XiamenAir
Blue Sky Travel
Address: Opletalova 57, 110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 222 220 210
Fax: +420 222 220 237
e-mail: m.niklfeld@blueskytravel.cz
Responsible person: Mr. Martin Niklfeld
Airline Representation: Air Astana, Air Cairo, Air Mauritius, Azerbaijan Airlines, Croatia Airlines, Egypt Air, flydubai, Jet Airways, JetKonnect, Kuwait Airways
Discover the World
Address: Pod Baštami 276/3, 160 00 Prague 6
Phone: +420 233 312 631
e-mail: kamila_cernikova@discovertheworld.biz
Responsible person: Mrs. Kamila Černíková
Airline Representation: AeroMexico, Air Malta, Cabo Verde Airlines, Hong Kong Airlines, Ukraine Intl. Airlines, Singapore Airlines
East West AERO s.r.o.
Address: Laglerové 1075/4, 161 00 Prague 6
Phone: +420 778 431 110
e-mail: info@eastwest.aero
Responsible person: Mr. Josef Machek
Airlines Representation: FlyOne, SCAT Airlines, World2Fly, GSA for Eznis Airways
Address: Jungmannova 750/34, 110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 234 723 200
Fax: +420 234 723 204
E-mail: info@globair.cz
Responsible person: Mrs. Jana Procházková
Airline Representation: South African Airways, TAP Portugal, Thai Airways
SkyXS Aircargo s.r.o.
Address: Laglerové 1057/4, 161 00, Praha 6
Phone: +420 220 116 345
Fax: +420 220 113 153
e-mail: j.chyba@sky-xs.com
Responsible person: Mr. Jan Chyba
Airline Representation: several carriers on cargo area
TAL Aviation CZ/SK, s.r.o.
Address: V Jámě 1, 110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 815 377
Fax: +420 224 815 379
e-mail: karla.s@tal-aviation.cz
Responsible person: Mrs. Karla Svobodová
Airline Representation: Bees Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Sri Lankan Airlines, Qantas, IBCS Consolidator for Czech & Slovak BSP, EL AL Israel Airlines, Precision Air
Travel Marketing International
Address: V Jámě 1, 110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 815 377
Fax: +420 224 815 379
e-mail: svobodova@t-m-i.cz
Responsible person: Mrs. Karla Svobodová
Airline Representation: China Airlines
Czech Airlines Handling
Phone: +420 220 114 334, +420 724 511 809
Phone (fuelling): +420 220 114 926, +420 605 171 066
E-mail: refuelling.box@prg.aero
L.M. Czech Republic s.r.o. (provides refuelling for MOL and TOTAL)
Phone: +420 220 113 955
Phone (fuelling): +420 220 113 617, +420 602 490 403
E-mail: ops@prgfuel.cz
Slot Coordination Czech Republic
Phone: +420 220 113 204
Fax: +420 220 115 301
E-mail: PRGSP7X@prg.aero (slot requests)
slot.coord@prg.aero (other communication)
Mr. František Kachlík
E-mail: frantisek.kachlik@prg.aero
Menzies Aviation (Czech)
Phone: +420 220 113 704 / +420 220 113 722
E-mail: prg.cargo@menziesaviation.com
Web: www.menziesaviation.cz
K Letišti 57/1049
161 00 Praha 6
Mr. Imrich Ancin
Executive Director / General Manager
Phone: +420 232 777 650
Mobile: +420 908 981 144
E-mail: imrich.ancin@skyport.sk
Web: www.skyport.com
Laglerové 1075/4
161 00 Praha 6
Mr. Michal Neuer
Business Director
Phone: +420 224 304 233
Mobile: +420 724 580 882
E-mail: michal.neuer@skyport.com
Web: www.skyport.com
ENES Cargo Prague s.r.o.
Mrs. Jana Nagy
Commercial Director
E-mail: nagy@enescargoprague.cz
Phone: +420 608 535 323
Mr. Jaroslav Vaněk
Cargo Director
E-mail: vanek@enescargoprague.cz
Phone: +420 608 358 003
K letišti 1088/59
161 00 Praha 6 - Ruzyně
Mr. František Šír
Managing Director
Phone: +420 720 053 058 / +420 220 115 486
E-mail: fsir@dnata.cz
Mrs. Veronika Fajčíková
Operations Director
Phone: +420 224 304 124
Phone: +420 736 476 438
E-mail: veronika.fajcikova@skyport.com
Production: production@skyport.cz
Dispatch: dispecink@skyport.cz
Aerotech Ltd.
Velfikova 4, 160 00 Praha 6
Phone: +420 774 845 015
Email: info@aerotech.cz
Czech Airlines Technics, a.s.
Jana Kaspara 1/1069, 160 08 Praha 6
Maintenance Control Centre
Phone: +420 727 436 505
E-mail: Mcc.box@csa.cz
Mr. Zdeněk Jelínek
Director of Civil Aviation Department
Phone: +420 225 131 390
E-mail: sekretariat.220@mdcr.cz
Web: www.mdcr.cz
nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 12
P. O. Box 9
110 15 Prague 1
Phone: +420 225 421 111 / +420 225 422 080
E-mail: caa@caa.cz / podatelna@caa.cz
Web: www.caa.cz