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The use of our website

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1. Website Terms of Use Agreement

  • Welcome to the website of Prague Airport. Use of the website is subject to the following Terms of Use (“Terms”) and relevant legislation. Please read the Terms carefully before accessing and using this website.
  • By accessing and using this website, you confirm that you have carefully read and understood the Terms of Use and that you accept them without reservation.

2. Use of the Website

  • Information on this website, such as any text, illustration, graphics, design, logo, icon, image, audio and video recording, photograph, programme and technology, as well as the website as a whole including its layout and graphic design (“Information”) are subject to the copyright of Prague Airport (or any other company of the Prague Airport group or another third party).
  • Information may be used (downloaded, viewed, printed, etc.) for personal use only. It mustn't be distributed, modified, forwarded or used for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Prague Airport. Copies of the Information must always include any copyright or other notices and disclaimers contained in or relating to the Information.
  • Except for the permission to use the Information for personal noncommercial purposes, no license or other authorization related to the Information is granted to you.
  • Prague Airport is not responsible nor does it warrant that the use of the Information does not infringe the rights of third parties. The Information on this website relates solely to Prague Airport and its operations in the Czech Republic, unless otherwise expressly stated.
  • The users undertake that when using the website, they will act in accordance with laws and regulations applicable in the Czech Republic, good morals and these Terms and will not in any way damage the reputation of the operator or other users, nor otherwise endanger or restrict the operation of the international civil airport or attempt to do so in any way.
  • In particular, the users undertakes:
  • not to interfere with the security, technical structure or content of the website or misuse it in any other way,
  • not to interfere with the use of this website by other users,
  • not to use the website to send unsolicited messages (spam), electronic chain letters,
  • not to send messages to this website containing viruses or any dangerous or malicious programmes,
  • not to create fake messages to falsify the identity of the sender or attempt to hack into other users' accounts,
  • not to attempt to gain access to portions of that are restricted from public use,
  • not to spread messages or materials on this website that violate the laws and regulations of the Czech Republic.

3. Rights to Intangible Assets

  • This website contains or may refer to trademarks, trade names, product designations, patents, information on property, technologies, products, processes and other rights to intangible assets of Prague Airport, other companies of the Prague Airport group or other third parties.
  • Except for the use expressly permitted by these Terms, any exercise of the abovementioned rights without prior written permission of Prague Airport is expressly forbidden and may constitute a violation of relevant intellectual property legislation. No license or other authorization concerning these rights is granted to you.

4. Accuracy of Information

  • Prague Airport makes every effort to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the Information on this website. However, inaccuracies or typographical errors may occur. These may be corrected upon discovery and at the discretion of Prague Airport. Please also note that the latest update of the Information may not always be completed. Prague Airport may modify any Information posted on the Prague Airport website at any time without notice.
  • Neither Prague Airport nor any other person involved in the creation or operation of this website shall be liable for any damage or injury, including but not limited to direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the access to, use of, limited use of, or inability to use this website, or for any errors or omissions relating to the content of the website or the failure of any functionality of the website. This limitation also includes any damage to your computer equipment and any damage caused by a virus infecting your electronic device.
  • The presentation of goods or services of Prague Airport or any third parties on the Prague Airport website shall not be deemed to be an offer to supply goods or services within the meaning of section 1732(2) of Act No. 89/20012 Sb. of the Civil Code, as amended, unless expressly stated otherwise.

5. Protection of Personal Data and Information

  • Please read our Privacy Policy before accessing the website.
  • The access to individual websites of Prague Airport may be conditioned by the provision of personal data. In that case, Prague Airport shall comply with relevant legislation.
  • Subject to the conditions set forth in the Privacy Policy, any email correspondence, information or other materials you send to us, including any data, questions, comments or suggestions, shall be deemed nonconfidential and unprotected and shall become the property of Prague Airport. Prague Airport is free to use any idea, concept, know-how or technique contained in such communications for any purpose, including but not limited to the marketing of its services and other services.
  • The Prague Airport website also uses socalled cookies. The use of cookies is further governed by Prague Aiport’s specific Terms and Conditions.

6. Website Links

  • This website operated by Prague Airport may be linked to from thirdparty websites over which Prague Airport has no control and which are not subject to its approval. Therefore, Prague Airport is not responsible for their content.
  • If you want to link to the Prague Airport website, you may only link to the homepage. Linking to other pages of this website without the prior written permission of Prague Airport is prohibited. In addition, it is prohibited to embed this website within other websites without the prior written consent of Prague Airport.
  • This website may contain links or references to other websites operated by third parties. The privacy policy of Prague Airport may not apply to such websites. Prague Airport bears no responsibility for the content of thirdparty websites linked to from this website or for any infringement by third parties operating such websites and any damage or other harm caused thereby.
  • You may not link to other websites within this website without the prior written permission of Prague Airport.

7. Third-Party Communications on the Website

  • Although Prague Airport may monitor or browse discussions, chats, mail or other communications channels, it has no obligation to do so and is not responsible for the content of such thirdparty communications, including any errors, defamation, libel, slander, lies, obscenity, pornography, disrespectful statements or inaccuracies included in such communications.
  • It is prohibited to post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, or profane material or any material that may constitute conduct that could be considered a criminal offence, violation of civil legislation, or otherwise violate any law.
  • Please note that Prague Airport will fully cooperate with relevant public authorities and courts, both domestic and foreign, if required by international obligations to which the Czech Republic is bound, which request information about the identity of the person who posted such communications on the website.

8. Consequences of Violating the Terms

  • If it is found that these Terms have been violated, Prague Airport may immediately proceed to take corrective action without notice, including the removal of any communication or other information posted by the user on this website and preventing the user from using the services of Prague Airport or any other cooperating party.
  • If any damage or other harm has been caused to Prague Airport by your conduct, Prague Airport may seek compensation at its sole discretion.

9. Modification to the Terms

  • Prague Airport reserves the right to modify or change these Terms at any time without notice. Such modification(s) shall be effective upon being posted on the website.

These Terms are valid and effective from the date of their publication 1.1.2022