About us

Control documents

About the Company
About us

By virtue of being the operator of an international airport, Letiště Praha, a. s. is authorised to issue rules governing the conduct of all of Prague Airport users. The rules are worked out in the form of the control documents of the Company and are available on this page. To access them, log in using the assigned password.

By filling in the password and logging in, the user undertakes to not provide the password to a third party, or to make the stored control documents available in any way to any third party for whom they are not intended. The control documents are intended solely for the needs of the parties to whom they concern and who operate at LKPR.

It is not permitted to use any form of copying of the downloaded document with the intention of subsequent dissemination as a document, electronic file or by any other means for the purpose of giving the document to a third party. This is possible only after prior written consent by the owner of the control document.

Documents available for all users of the airport: