Safety and Security

Drones and Issues Caused by Their Use Around Airport

Safety and Security

Welcome to Prague Airport’s website focused on the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in the vicinity of Prague Airport.

In the vicinity of the airport, commercial aircraft are in the most crucial phases of flight, which are take-offs and landings. In order to maintain safe operations of civil air transport, it is necessary to regulate the operation of UAVs as airspace movement participants. It is also necessary to realize that when operating a UAV in the vicinity of the airport, you are navigating controlled airspace.

If you want to fly your drone safely around the airport, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Carefully study the current legislation on the Civil Aviation Authority’s website or on the Fly Responsibly website.
  • At a distance of less than 5.5 km from the reference point of the airport (50 06 03 N, 014 15 36 E), pay extra attention to pre-flight preparation, as more stringent flight rules apply in this area.
  • If you are in the controlled area of the airport (CTR LKPR), fly at a maximum height of 100 metres above the ground and at the same time without violating the protective zones of the airport.

If you are not familiar with the airport-controlled designated area and are not sure about the airspace segmentation, use the following links:

If you are not sure how high you can fly and you are not able to determine whether you are compromising the airport protection zones, make sure that the maximum height of your flight does not exceed the height of the surrounding buildings. For a better awareness of the maximum height above the ground (m AGL) at which it is possible to fly, use the grid layer in the DronView application. For information on the use of this layer, refer to the Czech Air Navigation Services website.

If certain strict conditions are met, it is possible to fly UAVs at a height of more than 100 metres above the ground in the CTR area. It is necessary to comply with all conditions for the specific category of drone operation, which have been set for such flights by the Civil Aviation Authority Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic, and Prague Airport.

If you want to fly a UAV at a distance of less than 5.5 km from the reference point of the airport and you meet the conditions for flight coordination according to the Measures of a General Nature issued by the CAA, you can submit your requests via our form below.

UAS Flight in CTR LKPR Request

In general, we will issue our statement regarding your request within five working days.
In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail:
We usually issue an opinion on your request within three working days.


Submit requests for flight authorisation by Air Navigation Services in the form of an e-mail request for NSF authorisation. ANS will issue its statement regarding your request within three working days. After receiving all permits, coordinate your flight with the local office of the Czech Air Navigation Services (the telephone number will be indicated in the statement regarding your application for NSF) and the Security Dispatch of Prague Airport (Tel: +420 220 111 000). Call these phone numbers well in advance of your flight! The conditions are described in more detail on the Fly Responsibly website.


The term “drone” refers to any flying device without a human pilot aboard. In our case, it covers all terms used in legislation, such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), unmanned aerial system (UAS) or model aircraft.

Upon drone operation, always observe the following rules:

Létejte bezpečně

Fly Safe and Follow Rules

Respektujte soukromí

Respect the Privacy of Others

Buďte pojištění

Fly Responsibly and Have Insurance