
Environmental education for children

Relations with Surroundings

Since the start of 2012, Václav Havel Airport Prague has organised environmental classes with Mr. Bee for pupils attending Primary Schools in airport-surrounding areas. A series of themed lectures in a fun and informative manner for fourth and fifth graders is incorporated in the curriculum. The goal of the programme is to enhance environmental awareness and provide information about ways of handling environmental issues at Václav Havel Airport Prague and other places.

There are four individual lectures, connected with airport operations and the environment of the airport-surrounding areas, namely noise, emissions, water cleansing and protection, waste and recycling.

The series of lectures are conducted in an entertaining and informative way. Using visual aids, video and audio recordings, interactive games and various art forms, children learn the environment-specific language and grasp its content. They are able to identify various adverse effects on the environment and acquire basic information about its protection.

Pupils are taken through the individual lectures by the mascot of the program – Mr. Bee – appearing in several variations, always in line with the topic.


The highlight of the whole environmental classes with Mr. Bee is an invitation for all pupils to attend the final event at Prague Airport. They can personally meet up with firefighters, ecologists, beekeepers, dog handlers, falconers and aircraft noise specialists. The event also includes the announcement of the best environmental classes which will be awarded.