Company Management ContactOffice of the Director of the Company and Facility Management+420 220 111 261katerina.kolarikova@prg.aeroOffice of the Non-Aviation Commercial and Economic Directorandrea.mathauserova@prg.aeroOffice of the Director for the Corporate Services Areamichaela.kasparova@prg.aeroOffice of the Safety and Security Directorirena.martinovska@prg.aeroOffice of the and Commerce Directormichaela.slechtova@prg.aeroOffice of the Air Traffic Directordagmar.bockova@prg.aeroCEO´S office+420 220 113 224sekretariat@prg.aeroRecruitment Departmentnabor@prg.aeroAddressLetiště Praha, a. s.K Letišti 1019/6, 161 00 Praha 6+420 220 111 111+420 220 111 888DIČ: CZ699003361Data box: ayqexy5AFTN: LKPRYDYXSITA: PRGCZ7X, PRVCZ7X