Transport and Parking

Public Transport Buses

Getting to Airport
Transport and Parking


The connection between Prague City Centre and Václav Havel Airport Prague is provided by public transport bus lines which operate at regular few-minute intervals.

To ensure the quickest arrival to the airport, we recommend the passengers to take the bus 59 (Nádraží Veleslavín – Terminal 1/Terminal 2) connecting to Metro Line A, or the bus 100 (Zličín – Terminal 1/Terminal 2) connecting to Metro Line B.

Public transport bus rides are subject to regular Prague Public Transport Fares (including pre-paid passes). Bus rides do not need to be booked in advance. The passengers must buy a ticket before onboarding. Prague Airport is not the provider of the service.

Bus Lines
59 Bus Line

boarding bus stop: Nádraží Veleslavín

travel time approx. 15 min
change from metro line A
100 Bus Line

boarding bus stop: Zličín

travel time approx. 18 min
change from metro line B
191 Bus Line

boarding bus stop: Anděl (Stroupežnického Street)

travel time approx. 50 min
Change from metro line B
910 Bus Line

boarding bus stop: I.P. Pavlova/Karlovo náměstí/Švandovo divadlo/Divoká Šárka

travel time approx. 50 min from I.P. Pavlova
Night service only (22:00 - 5:00)
Bus Line 907

boarding bus stop: Anděl/Hlavní nádraží/Náměstí Republiky/Hradčanská/Bořislavka

travel time approx. 50 min from Anděl
Night service only (22:00 - 5:00)


Purchasing Tickets

Public transport tickets must be purchased in advance before the passenger boards the bus. Tickets are sold from ticket vending machines located in the vestibules of the metro stations, in the Prague Public Transit company (DPP) Info Centers, via SMS or the PID Lítačka mobile app, which can be also used to search for the ideal public transport connection. The application is available for Android and iOS. 

Download the "PID Lítačka" application to your mobile deviceGoogle Play - PID Lítačka APPstore - PID Lítačka
QR codes for downloading the "PID Lítačka" application to a mobile deviceQR_kod_litacka_Google-playQR_kod_litacka_App-store

Current Fares are available on the Prague Public Transit Company’s website..

Contact the carrier can be found here.