
Baggage Reclaim

Baggage Handling after Arrival

You can collect your baggage after arrival at the Baggage Reclaim dedicated area with carousel conveyors. Please follow the Baggage Reclaim airport signs to reach the area.

Check the information panel to find out on which carousel your baggage will be released and wait for its arrival.

Always check if the baggage collected from the carousel belongs to you.

Baggage is handled by a handling company (from check-in to reclaim). Its name is listed on the information panel. Please contact the respective handling company with all claims and cases of lost or damaged baggage.

We recommend all pieces of checked-in baggage to be clearly marked or have a tag attached with your name and contact details to prevent any misunderstandings and baggage loss.

Large and special items (baby prams, parasols, etc.) may be released separately, for example, at the oversize baggage counter or on a special trolley.