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Customs clearance

Baggage check-in
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Information for passengers

Quantity limits for imports of goods from countries that are not Member States of the European Union

For imports of selected goods from countries which are not EU member states, quantity limits apply. This category includes, e.g.:

  • goods imported occasionally for the personal use or consumption of the recipient or of the passenger and members of their family or as a gift
  • tobacco products
  • alcoholic beverages
  • medication

For more information please refer to the customs administration website.

Restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit under special regulations

Travelling with animals, veterinary goods, CITES, weapons, ammunition, explosives, drugs, goods of vegetable origin, financial means.

For more information please refer to the customs administration website.

Exports of goods into countries that are EU member states

In addition to restrictions and limitations regarding certain types of exported goods (veterinary goods, items of cultural value, firearms, ammunition and explosives, addictive substances and medication, financial means) no export customs duties or other export fees apply in the EU with regard to the export of goods that do not have a commercial nature.

VAT refunds

For more information please refer to the customs administration website.