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Lines of the Airport Tour

Take a Close Look at the Airport
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Lines of the airport tour Price lists


Price list for tours for persons and families

Price list for individual tours of the airport




CZK 250

Children 4–15 years old

CZK 150

Senior citizens (65+), students (under 26 years of age), people with proof of disability

CZK 150

Family (2 adults + 1 child under 15 years of age)

CZK 550

Family (2 adults + 2 children under 15 years of age)

CZK 590

Family (2 adults + 3 children under 15 years of age)

CZK 630

Uniform price per person – Line F

(Senior citizens 65+, students under 26 years of age)

CZK 350

CZK 180

We accept Eurocard/MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Diners Club payment cards.

Ceník exkurzí pro organizované skupiny a školy





Trasa 1 (150 minut) od 15 let 

max 25 osob 



ZŠ, SŠ, VŠ, důchodci (65+), ZTP  

4 500 Kč  



Dospělí, smíšené skupiny 

6 600 Kč  



Trasa 2 (120 minut) od 3 let 

max 30 osob 

max 45 osob 

max 52 osob 

MŠ, ZŠ, SŠ, VŠ, ostatní do 18 let, důchodci (65+) 

3 700 Kč  

4 800 Kč  

5 500 Kč  

Dospělí, smíšené skupiny 


9 000 Kč  

10 400 Kč  

Trasa 3 (150 minut) od 10 let 

max 30 osob 

max 45 osob 


ZŠ, SŠ, VŠ, důchodci (65+), ZTP  

5 300 Kč  

6 700 Kč  


Dospělí, smíšené skupiny 


12 000 Kč  


Trasa 4 - původně 8 (180 minut) od 10 let

max 30 osob 



ZŠ, SŠ, VŠ, důchodci (65+), ZTP  

9 800 Kč  



Dospělí, smíšené skupiny 

14 000 Kč  



Trasa 5 (120 minut) od 10 let 

max 30 osob 

max 45 osob 

max 52 osob 

ZŠ, SŠ, VŠ, ostatní do 18 let, důchodci (65+) 

3 700 Kč  

4 800 Kč  

5 500 Kč  

Dospělí, smíšené skupiny 


9 000 Kč  

10 400 Kč  

Trasa 6 (150 minut) od 6 let 

max 45 osob 



ZŠ, SŠ, VŠ, důchodci (65+), ZTP  

9 000 Kč  



Dospělí, smíšené skupiny 

11 000 Kč  



Trasa 7 -  původně 9  (120 minut) od 10 let

max 25 osob 



ZŠ, SŠ, VŠ, důchodci (65+), ZTP  

4 500 Kč  



Dospělí, smíšené skupiny 

6 600 Kč  



Trasa M (90 minut) děti 3 - 6 let 

max 30 osob 

max 45 osob 

max 52 osob 


2 600 Kč  

3 600 Kč  

4 200 Kč  

Trasa VIP (120 minut) 

8 000 Kč / 1 - 8 osob 



Příplatek za průvodce v cizím jazyce 600 Kč (platí pro všechny trasy) 

Příplatek mimo publikované termíny, víkendy a svátky 900 Kč (platí pro všechny trasy) 

Storno poplatky



Zrušení exkurze 14 pracovních dní před konáním akce 10 % z ceny.

Zrušení exkurze 7 pracovních dní před konáním akce 20 % z ceny.

Zrušení exkurze 36 pracovních hod a méně před konáním akce 30 % z ceny.

Od 1. 4. 2024 budou k dispozici tyto trasy skupinových exkurzí 

  • Trasa 1 (150 minut) od 15 let - Exkurze interiérů i exteriérů letiště 

  • Trasa 2 (120 minut) od 3 let - Exkurze exteriérů letiště a záchranné požární stanice 

  • Trasa 3 (150 minut) od 10 let - Exkurze v provozu letiště na odbavovací ploše a 45 minutová prohlídka Czech Aviation Training Centra (CATC) 

  • Trasa 4 - původně 8 (180 minut) od 10 let - Exkurze v provozu letiště a 90 minutová prohlídka Czech Aviation Training Centra (CATC) 

  • Trasa 5 (120 minut) od 10 let - Exkurze exteriérů letiště a letecké techniky v hangáru F

  • Trasa 6 (150 minut) od 6 let - 45minutová exkurze záchranné požární stanice a exteriéry letiště 

  • Trasa 7 -  původně 9  (120 minut) od 10 let - Exkurze po interiérech i exteriérech letiště zaměřená zejména na udržitelnost a životní prostředí 

  • Trasa M (90 minut) i pro děti mladší 3 let - Exkurze exteriérů letiště pro malé děti a mateřské školky

For groups we have prepared the possibility to order refreshments. The price of the snack package ranges from 27 CZK for package. More information to order snack packs you can find here


Line 1 – Tour of the airport interiors and exteriors: group, individual

Are you interested in the hustle and bustle of an airport? Would you like to experience a day on the airfield and inside the terminals? This tour will give you a brief demonstration of apron operations, facilities of the terminal interior and the passenger check-in process

The first part of the tour focuses on the interior of Terminal 1. We will show you how we check in passengers and the different security checks between the terminals. You will learn about the operation of the airport's Master Card or Erste Premier lounges, passenger services, shops and other airport facilities.

In the second part of the tour, you will take a bus around the outside airport area and watch take-offs and landings at the runway. We will also show you the actual handling of the aircraft before and after landing.

As the tour takes place inside the terminal and participants must pass through a security checkpoint, drinks and other liquids are not allowed.

Start of the tour: Terminal 2 (individual tour), Terminal 2 or 3 (group tour)
Duration: 2,5 hours
Intended for: groups and individuals, for children aged 15 and over


Line 2 – Tour of exteriors and the airport’s Rescue and Fire Station: group, individual

Are you a fan of aircraft? Set out for a tour of the largest airport in the Czech Republic. Aircraft on the runway and our unique rescue technical equipment inside the most modern fire station in the Czech Republic are waiting for you.

You will take a sightseeing bus to tour the South and North and Cargo Zone airport sections. You will watch the aircraft procedures before take-off and after landing and you will also see how aircraft are guided to their parking places.

During the tour you will stand near the runway to watch take-offs and landings and we will also show you the technical bases of the airport. You can enjoy an opportunity to see the interior and particularly the technical equipment of the Rescue and Fire Station at the airport.

Start of the tour: Terminal 3
Duration: 2 hours
Intended for: groups and individual tours, for children over 3 years of age


Line 3 – Walking tour of airport interiors: group

Have you flown before? Are you interested in what happens in the transit zone of the airport and what it looks like from a personal or occupational point of view? Set out on a detailed walking tour of the interiors of Terminals 1 and 2 of Václav Havel Airport Prague.

You will find the differences between the terminals and see the different passenger check-in procedures in Terminals 1 and 2. You will visit the security check points and see many shops, rest areas and passages between the terminals as well as the information system and transit zones.

Finally, we will visit one of the luxury airport lounges, such as the ERSTE Premier Lounge or MasterCard Lounge, VIP Service Club CONTINENTAL.

Start of the tour: Terminal 1 – Arrivals (reception desk no. 15)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Intended for: groups with a focus on tourism and air transport services; for children aged 15 and over




Line 4 – Tour of Rescue and Fire Station: groups

Are you interested in the activities of the airport’s professional fire brigade and its technical equipment and fire engines? Make your dream come true and set off for a tour of the most modern Rescue and Fire Station in the largest international airport in the Czech Republic.

A bus will pick you up in Terminal 3 and take you right to the airport’s Rescue and Fire Station, where a comprehensive tour and a professional presentation await you. You will see the exciting firefighting equipment and learn how professional firefighters work at the airport.

Start of the tour: Terminal 3
Duration: 1 hour
Intended for: groups, for children aged 6 and over


Line 5 – Tour of aircraft and services: group, individual - Currently Unavailable

Line 5 is currently unavailable

Are you interested in aircraft? Opt for the technical tour of Václav Havel Airport. You will get inside the hangar and airport buildings and near a runway.

The tour of the Czech Airlines Technics hangar takes around 30 minutes. You will become acquainted with aircraft maintenance, checks and necessary inspections. From a distance of a few metres, you will see opened-up engines, undercarriages and other interesting things.

Subsequently, you will be picked up by the bus and enjoy the ride on the flight line, where you can see how aircraft are handled before take-off and after landing. You will get in close proximity to a runway where you can take a really close look at aircraft taking off and landing.

Start of the tour: Terminal 3
Duration: 2 hours
Intended for: group and individual tours, for children aged 10 and over, school groups 15+


Line 6 − Detailed tour of Rescue and Fire Station: groups

Do you like aircraft and are you interested in the work of professional fire brigades? Make your day and set out for a detailed tour of the most modern Rescue and Fire Station in the Czech Republic.

You will start with a comprehensive tour of the Rescue and Fire Station at Václav Havel Airport. An interesting presentation on the technical equipment and explanation by a professional firefighter are waiting for you (see Line 4).

Later in the tour, you will see the real traffic of aircrafts taxiing to the flight line. Near the runway, you can watch take-offs and landings.

Start of the tour: Terminal 3
Duration: 2.5 hours
Intended for: groups, for children aged 6 and over


Line 7 – Airport exteriors and winter maintenance facilities

The tour is suitable for adult groups, university and secondary school students, or elementary school pupils attending the 8th or 9th grade. In the case of individual tours, children aged 6 and over may also participate.

Visit the garages with winter maintenance machinery. You will see snow ploughs, snow blowers and other equipment designed not only for winter maintenance.

A tour bus will take you around the southern and northern airport area, as well as the Cargo zone. You will see aircraft ground handling before the lift-off and landing, including marshalling – guiding aircraft to their parking stand. The tour is guided by a tour guide.

Start of the tour: Terminal 3
Duration: 2 hours
Intended for: university and secondary school students, adults, children aged 6 and over – individual tours

The tour takes place only from April to October.

Line 8 - Airport operations and Czech Aviation Training Centre (CATC) tour

A bus tour around the airport operations + a walking tour of the Czech Aviation Training Centre (CATC), including the training facility interiors with a tour guide from the aviation industry.

Your first steps will lead you through the airport’s concourses with aircraft handling before their lift-off or after landing. Your guide will introduce you to the many professions that are involved in airport operations and aircraft handling.

The second part of the excursion will take you to the Training Centre for pilots and aircrew.

Here you will be able to explore the training facilities and aircraft emergency equipment under the supervision of an experienced guide – an aviation professional. The number of spots depends on the availability of the simulators on the day of the tour. In most cases, the Boeing B737 and Airbus A320 cabin simulators used for emergency training are available for the tour. You will get a unique opportunity to learn how the cabin crew acts in the event of an in-flight emergency. And if interested, you can also participate in an emergency evacuation training (on the slides).

Start of the tour: Terminal 2 – Departures, Souvenir Shop to the right
Duration: 60 min. for the airport + 90 min. for the CATC
Intended for: groups from primary and secondary schools, universities, special interest groups, individuals, children aged 10 and over

Individual tours are offered for a maximum of 30 and a minimum of 20 people.

Line 9 – Tour of the airport interiors and exteriors focused on sustainability and environment – NEW 🚩

Line 9 is a new tour related to the topic of sustainability and the environmentally friendly approach of Prague Airport.

During these tours with ESG (Environmental, Social and Ethical Responsibility) elements, you will learn more about noise pollution and the tools that can be used to reduce and offset air traffic noise. We will explain the airport‘s path to carbon neutrality, as well as the waste management system, which is comparable to that of a small town. You will learn about the process of managing aviation fuel, wastewater and rainwater, or about biomonitoring, a project that bees also help us with.

You will be surprised by the scope and focus of the airport's support programmes for our partners, as well as the number and variety of tree species that grow on our land. You may be surprised to learn that the airport is not only run by people but that air safety is also linked to the way the grass is cut and the height of the grass along the runway.

The first part of the excursion is inside Terminal 1, the second part is in the exterior of the airport – on the airfield.

Start of the tour: Terminal 2
Duration: 2 hours
Intended for: for the professional and general public, schools focused on the environment, for children aged 10 and over

Line M – For kindergartens: group

This tour is intended for kindergartens or groups of small children.

The tour is customised according to small children and kindergartens. This tour line shows the whole airport area and children will learn interesting facts about the operation of the airport. They will see how aircrafts are handled after landing and before taking off. The tour includes a stop near a runway to watch take-offs and landings. It is a guided tour.

Start of the tour: Terminal 3
Duration: 1.5 hours
Intended for: groups of children 3−6 years old

Line F – Photo tour

Do you like taking photos of things in motion? Are you fond of aircraft and technical equipment? Are you keen on taking photos of planes? Come to the largest airport in the Czech Republic and capture unique pictures for your portfolio.

We have designed the tour line particularly for amateur photographers. You will have a chance to take photos of aircraft right in the airport area – especially near the runway where they land and take off. Accompanied by a guide, you will walk in designated places directly in the field. A bus will take you across the airport area.

Start of the tour: Terminal 3
Duration: 2.5 hours
Intended for: individual visitors, groups by agreement, for children aged 15 and over

The photo tour is the right choice for you if you are:

  • An amateur photographer who is not satisfied by photos taken through the bus window

  • An aviation fans who is not so interested in the technical parts of the airport: you just want to spend more time directly near a runway watching aeroplanes taking off and landing.

Know-how of successful participation in the tour of the airport:

1) Book the photo tour in advance, via the booking form, not later than 24 hours beforehand.

2) Then wait for the booking confirmation which will be sent to the e-mail address specified by you.

3) Please arrive in Terminal 3 − Souvenir Shop (behind the Pilsen restaurant U Václava) – about 15 minutes before the start of the tour.

4) After presenting your ID or passport before the tour, buy the ticket for the tour.

5) To tour the non-public areas you need to pass the security check and, therefore, do not bring any forbidden things (real and dummy guns, sharp objects, liquids, gels, etc.). You are allowed to have a small volume of a non-alcoholic beverage.

Trasa VIP – Letiště jen pro vás

Využijte jedinečnou šanci zažít individuální exkurzi Letiště Václava Havla Praha na míru přáním. Ať už návštěva nejmodernější hasičské stanice, prohlídka hangáru techniků nebo prohlídka techniky zimní údržby, možnost kombinace velké škály míst je na vás. Celým zážitkem vás provede zkušený průvodce, který rád doporučí místa, která během exkurze nesmíte vynechat.

Začátek: Terminál 3 
Čas: 2 hodiny 
Určení: individuální kombinovaná prohlídka pro až 8 osob dle přání zákazníka, pro děti od 3 let 

Zážitek s přidanou hodnotou 

  • Exkluzivní prostory 
    Přivítáme vás v prostorách Protocol Lounge na Terminálu 3. 

  • Privátní zážitek 
    Čeká na Vás mikrobus až pro 8 osob a osobní průvodce. 

  • Trasa na přání 
    Vyberte si trasu a obsah prohlídky na míru, dle přání a preferencí. 

Pro více informací a rezervace pište na e-mail